Minutes of September 25, 2014

Post date: Mar 09, 2015 3:14:7 PM

Vice President Alan Brown called the meeting to order at 7:05 with pledges to the US and Texas flags. Alan offered the prayer.

Henry McKinney gave the treasurers report. We had $882.13 at the June meeting. There was a $20 deposit. The September electric bill was $18.52. The current balance is $883.61.

Rose Head read the minutes from the last meeting. Walter Kovar moved that the minutes be accepted as read. Richard Stone seconded. Motion passed.

There was no old business.

In new business, Ronnie Head said he had ordered a table for the Belton Ham Fest. Anyone wishing to donate items to the club can bring them for the table. Bill Reed was given a free year membership after passing his Technician and General Class license exams before the meeting today.

Walter Kovar told of a HAM who recently died from a 95 foot fall from a tower. Safety equipment was compromised in use.

Walter said the Scout Jamboree on the Air will be on October 18th. He asked for interest and volunteers to demonstrate radio use to the scouts in Goldthwaite. Rondel Stevens said he would be assisting in Brownwood so the locals would have another group to contact over the air. Ronnie Head, Rose, Walter, Alan and Bill showed interest in participating. Another opportunity will be the first weekend in January for Kids on the Air.

Rose moved that the meeting adjourn. Jim Hamm seconded. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.

After the business meeting, a program on the original Vibroplex CW bugs was given by Henry McKinney and Bennie Owens. The similarities and differences in bugs from about 1903 to 1954 were discussed and demonstrated. Several of the club members own this type of bug.