Minutes of September 22, 2016

Post date: Oct 26, 2016 5:50:4 PM

President Jack Garner called the meeting to order at around 7:22 with pledges to the American and Texas flags and a prayer. The meeting was delayed due to Mrs. Wendy Pausewang and her son Logan Pausewang taking their technician and general class license tests. Wendy passed her general class and Logan passed his technician class tests.

Walt Kovar read the August meeting minutes which were approved as read.

A treasurer's report was not available.

Old Business: None was reported.

New Business:

Two visitors, friends of Mrs. Pausewang, were recognized. Tom and Paula Hawkins recently obtained their General class licenses, KG5PKF and KG5PKE respectively a week ago.

President Jack Garner presented a program entitled "How Can Hams Prepare for GRID Failure?" The program provided a discussion of several power grid failures of varying time durations, and the effects on our lives they may have. The 10 day grid failure was discussed in the areas of water; food/shelter; meds/medical equipment (e.g. CPAP); generators with fuel; communications (loss of cell phones); and transportation. All are impacted severely if we experience a 10 day power interruption.

Lively discussions of the above ensued; in particular Jack presented a potential source of energy using a 100 watt solar cell and storage batteries to enable a degree of self-sufficiency useful for ham radio communications and a capability of 1000 watts of AC power for such needs as food storage in freezer and maintaining water pump operation. Jack also showed how he has mounted the solar cell with provisions to alter its position as the seasons change the angle so that the sun will provide the most light energy to the cell.

Members present made numerous comments and said the presentation was very informative. Walt asked Jack if he would send Rose Head the power point file to put on the MCARC website. Jack agreed to do that.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25.

Walt Kovar