Minutes of October 23, 2014

Post date: Mar 09, 2015 3:17:18 PM

Vice President Alan Brown called the meeting to order at 7:00 with pledges to the US and Texas flags. Alan offered the prayer.

Rose Head read the minutes from the last meeting. Richard Stone moved that the minutes be accepted as read. Rondel Stevens seconded. Motion passed.

Henry McKinney gave the treasurers report. We had $883.61 at the September meeting. There was a $20 deposit. The October electric bill was $18.64. The current balance is $884.97. Richard moved and Jack Garner seconded that the report be accepted as read. Motion passed.

Old business:

The Belton Ham Fest netted $86.00 for the club from an item donated by Bennie Owens.

Ronnie Head reported on the success of the Scout Jamboree on the Air. Alan Brown had submitted an article about it to The Goldthwaite Eagle that was published.

New Business:

We discussed our web page and domain name and the possibility of moving the page or creating an additional one. No decision was made.

Richard pointed out that the next two business meetings will hit on Thanksgiving and Christmas days. Rose moved that we move the meetings up to the third Thursday of November and December. Jack Garner seconded. The motion passed. Rose is to notify Derek Pausewang.

We had visitors, Clint Wynne N5TBS and Dale Seaburg KG5LT, from Brown County.

There was a test session before the meeting. Carolyn Ann Merritt and Craig Austin Merritt received their technician licenses and a year’s free membership in the MCARC.

Jim Hamm moved that the meeting adjourn. Rondel seconded. The meeting adjourned at 7:27 pm.

After the business meeting, Clint Wynne and Dale Seaburg presented a program about an emergency radio link to internet to be set up in the county. Clint is District II Emergency Coordinator over 17 counties. He explained that the system requires a radio, TNC connected by USB to a computer running Windows XP or above. The system uses RMS Packet and Win Link. The computer needs to be connected to the internet. Since our repeater site doesn’t have internet handy, we discussed other alternatives. Clint and Dale will be setting up a trial site at Rondel Steven’s home. There are hills between Rondel and the rest of Mills County that may interfere with reception.