Minutes of November 17, 2017

Post date: Feb 12, 2017 9:14:27 PM

President Jack Garner called the meeting to order at 7:00 with pledges to the American and Texas flags. Walter Kovar offered the prayer.

Rose Head read the October minutes. They were approved as read.

Henry McKinney gave the treasurer’s report. The last reported balance was $915.78. The electric bill for the repeater was $18.06. The ending balance is $897.72. The report was approved as read.

Old Business:

Our Christmas Party will be at Peabody’s Restaurant December 15th at 6 p.m.

New Business:

Brenda B. Gillan passed her HAM license test prior to the meeting and became a member of the club.

The sheriff asked Alan Brown to assist setup of the HAM radio section at the new law enforcement center. Jim Ham and Alan have run coax for the antennas so far. Jack asked if we could meet in the law enforcement conference room. The table reserved for our emergency use is in that room. Rose moved, Jim seconded that we have the January meeting at the law enforcement center. It passed.

Walt told the group that his wife, Beverly, had donated a quilt to be raffled in support of the local sheriff’s office training and equipment fund.

We discussed the next year’s officers. Jack’s two year term is up. There was some discussion of who would serve as the next president. No decision was made. Jack wants someone to take up the slack on programs next year.

Ronnie Head put the old repeater at the club antenna site and brought the other to his house to wire it for the back-up batteries that Alan gave him. Because of reception problems, he has activated the repeater on one of his antennas at his house location temporarily.

Walt talked to Brandon Bartek about doing a HAM event with the scouts after the first of the year possibly with the cub scouts also. Walt proposed an idea session at the January meeting. We need to decide what to accomplish, what programs we want. He suggested we attract kids with things involving computers. Ronnie still has a CW bug program to do.

Meeting adjourned at 7:25.