Minutes of June 26, 2014

Post date: Mar 09, 2015 3:5:31 PM

President Derek Pausewang called the meeting to order at 7:05 with pledges to the US and Texas flags. Ronnie Head offered the prayer.

Henry McKinney gave the treasurers report. We had $900.18 in the account last month. After the electricity bill of $18.36, our balance is $881.82. The report was approved as read.

Rose Head read the minutes from the last meeting. Richard Stone moved that the minutes be accepted as read. Jack Garner seconded. Motion passed.

In old business, Rondel Stevens said we should have had a visitor’s log at the Goat Cook-off.

The club discussed plans for the upcoming Field Day. The site will be the same as last year, J. T. Auldridge property on the Moline Road. Ronnie will check about the gate lock and see if it needs mowing.

Walter Kovar will have a fine soldering class on Saturday afternoon at the GOTA station. He has sent out community invitations to all elected officials. He will print participation certificates for the class and GOTA station.

Rondel will bring the Go Box, 40 meter dipole, John Priddy’s 5 element Yagi antenna, David Lewis’s 6 meter antenna, and an Elk log periodic 2 meter antenna.

Ronnie will bring 2 crank up poles, tri-band Yagi and 40 meter dipole, generators, camper for voice station.

Richard will bring a generator, a crank up pole, and his camper for the CW station.

Derek will bring his solar panel and marine battery. We need to make 5 contacts with it for the extra credit.

Rose reported that the meals have been worked out but will be burgers and hotdogs Saturday evening instead of covered dish. Richard and Ronnie will bring their portable gas grills.

Walter Kovar and Mike Pansini will take pictures.

There was no new business.

There was an exam session before the meeting tonight. Mikaela Pausewang passed the technician test. She was given a year’s free club membership.

Jim Hamm moved that the meeting adjourn. Henry seconded. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.