Minutes of June 22, 2017

Post date: Jun 29, 2017 12:31:49 PM

President Ronnie Head called the meeting to order at 7:05. He led the pledges to the US and Texas flags. Jack Garner offered the prayer.

Rose Head read the May minutes. They were approved as read.

Rose presented Henry McKinney’s financial report. The last reported balance was $989.80. The June electric bill for the repeater was $20.58. The ending balance is $969.22. The report was approved as read.

Old business:

Ronnie reported that he had purchased and installed a back-up battery on the repeater. Rose reported that she had renewed the domain name of k5tro.net. Derek Pausewang displayed a new banner for the club activities. He presented the bill. Wendy Pausewang had forwarded Walt Kovar’s Field Day article to a Brownwood radio station.

Jack asked about the term commercial radio that was in last month’s minutes. Bennie Owen explained that in the 1970’s and 1980’s radios had to be tuned by changing out the crystals. The new ones are computer or hand programmable through software. The older commercial radios are on the market now because the FCC required narrow bands for public service and business use. The older ones were wide band. The Motorola Max Trac is a table or mobile model. Bennie has placed his Motorola Desk Trac at the Emergency Communication Station desk in the Law Enforcement Center. He passed out operations manuals for us and to put on the website.

Jim Hamm reported a typographical error on one of the frequencies in the manual he distributed last month. TX Fire 2 should be 154.265.

New Business:

Shawn Turner visited the club. He brought in some equipment that had belonged to his grandfather Bruce “Bo” Bartee, WA5BHF. Shawn has log books from the 1960’s. He had a net report from the 7290 traffic net of that era also. Shawn is interested in becoming a Ham and getting his grandfather’s call sign.

The rest of the meeting was dedicated to plans for Field Day. Rondel will be using the Brownwood club’s telescoping mast. He needs a Yagi antenna for it to use on the CW station. Ronnie has one he can try. Cotton Inks will supply the GOTA station with equipment. Ronnie will have everything for the voice station. Everyone was asked to bring an extra chair. Walt reminded us to take lots of pictures. The ones on the website are very old.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.