Minutes of July 28, 2016

Post date: Aug 26, 2016 8:50:35 PM

Ronnie Head called the meeting to order at 7:03 with pledges to the Texas and US flags. Ronnie offered the prayer.

Rose Head read the minutes from the June meeting.

Henry McKinney gave the treasurer’s report. The balance reported at the May meeting was $1005.52. There was a check to Rose for $12.17 to cover the costs of the domain name. $12.00 was received in membership dues. The June electric bill was $17.85. The July electric bill was $18.00. The ending balance is $969.50.

Both reports were approved as read.

Old Business:

Rondel Stevens reported that he missed the deadline to file an entry this year for field day. He was concerned with several of our improper situations and how to report them. He said we did okay considering the band conditions. We had an out of state visitor, from Colorado. We had an ARES officer, Matthew Morris K5ICR, visit us. We had a local official visit and attempt to make contacts.

Among the concerns was that active hams shouldn’t be on GOTA. We need more involvement to support new hams. We discussed doing 2A with a voice station or 1A without GOTA. Walt Kovar suggested dropping GOTA and putting emphasis on contacts for visitors and new hams. Derek Pausewang suggested finding some way of attracting 40-50 people to our event. Rondel added that Field Day is a “billboard for the hobby.”

Derek had several suggestions for improving the Field Day experience in 2017. We could award a free DQ ice cream coupon if someone makes a contact. We could give out free hot dogs and a drink, perhaps homemade lemonade or tea. We could have fliers at the library to hand out to their patrons. We could get the event on the billboard at the courthouse. We could have a sign on Hwy 84. We could get a free ad on 101.3 KOXE. Derek also wants Rose to create a Facebook page for the club where news of our activities could easily be gotten out.

Rondel suggested that since kids are used to texting that a digital station may be an attraction.

Ronnie showed the QSL cards that we have received. Walt wants them on our website. Walt suggested a possible ham trailer entirely set up to use for all our events. There was some discussion of materials we could use and some dissent, from Rondel, about denying others the experience of setting up when it is too fully done up in advance.

In New Business:

The club will send out a sympathy card to hams John and Rebecca Priddy on the loss of their daughter Jensey in a car accident.

John Reid also died last week. He visited Field Day several years ago.

Rondel reported that Brownwood isn’t having its “feels like home celebration” this year in September. Early’s pioneer days which is usually held in October is being moved to the third week of September. Rondel suggested we get involved.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00.