Minutes of January 26, 2017

Post date: Feb 12, 2017 9:16:4 PM

President Jack Garner called the meeting to order at 7:00 with pledges to the American and Texas flags. Walter Kovar offered the prayer.

Rose Head read the November minutes. They were approved as read.

Henry McKinney gave the treasurer’s report. The last reported balance was $897.72. There was a deposit of $12.00. The December electric bill for the repeater was $17.60. The January electric bill was $15.94. The ending balance is $876.18. The report was approved as read.

Old Business:

Jim Ham asked the status of the club repeater. Ronnie Head explained that the repeater equipment was currently set up at his ranch location while the charging system is worked out. Also, one of the batteries Alan Brown provided had a bad cell and the repeater antenna needs some repair work.

Walt Kovar wanted to discuss ideas for club activities that will increase interest in amateur radio such as show and tell at the schools, working with scouts and 4H clubs. Derek Pausewang had previously suggested starting a Facebook page. The members in attendance didn’t have ideas to add to these.

New Business:

Walt said it was time to make payment for the goat cook-off if we wish to participate. Ronnie Head moved and Rose seconded that we participate. The motion passes. It will be on April 28-29th.

Jim told the club about the simplex net he has started Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. on 147.520. They are exploring transmission and reception from multiple levels and equipment types. It is good for testing equipment.

The Friday night net on the 146.790 repeater is still meeting with Ronnie, David Lewis and Frank from Brady showing up regularly.

David also has a Sunday net at 3:00 p.m. on 38.32.

Rose agreed to send an email out to club members with the nets info.

We discussed the election of new officers for the next year. The officers currently serving as secretary, treasurer and community relations were re-elected by acclimation. That is Rose Head, Henry McKinney, and Walt Kovar.

Nominations were sought for president and vice president. Ed Smith moved and Jack seconded that Ronnie Head, and Jim Ham be chosen for those respective positions by acclimation. The motion passed.

As vice president Jim will solicit programs for the meetings. He will try to get Dan White to do a program on packet and digital forms of amateur radio.

Jack said Richard Stone is taking down his antenna to fix the rotator. Jack plans to help and do a presentation on that process.

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.